New Year Rituals For a Happy and Prosperous Year Ahead!
HAPPY NEW YEAR beautiful soul!
If you are anything like me, you’ll love this list of 12 rituals that you can implement over the first 12 days of the new year, representing the 12 months of the year that focus on bringing prosperity, hope, faith, joy and love into the new year! So, let’s jump into it!
When we set an intention to practice generosity, openness, gratitude, and kindness while bringing mindful attention to the importance of each of the 12 days, we begin the process of manifesting the year we truly want. We already know what a huge impact our thoughts and mindset have on our lives so this NEW YEAR on a positive note focused on the simple things that make a powerful difference.
Before we even begin with the main 12 rituals, I wanted to share my secret ritual for INVITING PROSPERITY into your life.
Fill your pockets with change and $ bills. The first time you enter your home on Jan 1st, right at the entrance, throw that money all over the floor. Get it as far into the house as you can. This money is to remain on the floor for the next 12 days!
On Jan 2nd, as a sign that you are prosperous, take a portion of that money and lovingly give it away. The amount is not important as the simple act to give it from the heart, to anyone you chose to.
January 1st (January) - BREATHE
Focus on your BREATH! Breathe in love, breathe in joy, breathe in prosperity, breathe in abundance, breathe in gratefulness, breathe in good health, breathe in wellness, breathe in creativity, breathe in kindness, breathe in compassion. Breathe out all fears, all limiting beliefs, all doubt, all pain, all hurt. Surrender and let it all god. Invite your best self to step forward and watch as the endless possibilities start unfolding.
January 2nd (February) - LOVE
January 2nd is dedicated to LOVE. It’s is a day to be more loving and compassionate with others and most importantly with yourself. All of our relationship are moved by the very relationship we have with ourselves. Ask yourself today: ”How can I be more loving with myself and others?” Then, do something truly loving for yourself today. Send your loved ones a loving note or surprise them. If you’re practicing the Prosperity ritual, today is also the day to loving donate some money. :)
January 3rd (March) - RENEWAL
Today is all about renewing your body, mind and spirit. This is a time to embrace meditation, spiritual practices or anything magical you want to embrace in your life. Spend some time in nature and connect with the wisdom of magic that’s around you. Watch a sunrise or a sunset. Quiet your mind. Spend time going inward and connecting deeply to the very essence of you spirit and your physical body. Take out your crystals & essential oils and simply allow your intuition and your creativity to take over.
A New Year is a perfect time to embrace yoga, meditation, movement and connect to your inner world. Calm and reset as you prepare for the upcoming months and year ahead. Create a self-love and self-care ritual that’s kind and compassionate to your body, mind & soul.
January 4th (April) - SENSE OF SMELL
Connect to your sense of smell. Out of the 5 senses, smell is the only one that has a direct connection to our brain. Due to this, it is able to trigger strong memories and emotions. Allow yourself to really experience different scents today. Inhale deeply and take note of any sensations of feelings that arise. Essential oils are a great addition to today. Lavender is knows to be calming. Peppermint is a powerful medicinal oil that can open sinuses & clear energy blocks. Orange is energy boosting. Rose is calming and opening for the heart. Sandalwood is grounding. You can also explore your sense of smell with cooking! Whatever you feel most connected to.
Jan 5th is all about having fun and allowing your inner child to come out to play. We spend most of our days trying to survive and live, we forget to stop and smell the roses. In the process, we lose our playful side and eventually our creativity. Allow yourself today to be silly, playful, to let loose and have FUN! My fay way to connect to my inner child is by eating candy and going to the park on a swing - letting my hear down, closing my eyes and just feeling the air gently hit my face.
January 6th (June) - BEING PRESENT
Dedicate Jan 6th to being present. We often spend our days being so busy making plans and doing things that we often miss the opportunity to be present in the moment. We forget to really enjoy our blessings. We forget to simply just be. Without rushing, without stressing, without multitasking. Spend today focusing on only one task at the time. Unplug your phone and step away from all electronics for 15min every hour. Take conscious breaths. Deep belly rising breath in. Full loud exhale out. be mindful of your thoughts and your feelings. Purposefully move though this day, choosing consciously every step you take. Speak with compassion. Listen to understand. Respond with mindful and loving energy.
Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it’s called essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health.
January 7th (July) - PURIFY
Today is all about cleansing and purifying your energy field. Embrace a morning shower and picture the water washing away any feelings or thoughts that aren’t aligned with your highest good. Imagine the water simply taking away all that no longer serves you. Let go of any old emotions, thoughts, habits, or anything else that may be holding you back. Focus on your blessings. Practice gratitude. Write down 12 things you’re grateful for. Inhale positivity and picture it taking space in every part of your body and in every cell of your body. If it resonates, repeat the mantra: “I am strong. I am beautiful. I am powerful. I am prosperous. I am creating the live I want.”
January 8th (August) - HONOUR YOUR BODY
Focus on lovingly taking care of your body. Start & end the day with a mindful yoga practice, or any physical activity that resonates with you. It could be a walk, run, hike, weight lifting, anything that speaks to you. Be conscious of what you put into your body today. Send thanks to all the food & every bite that’s nourishing your body. Today eat for the nutritional value of food. Honour your body in whatever way feels right to you. Whatever you chose to put in your body, do it lovingly. Give yourself permission to enjoy the food you want without guilt. Finally, don’t forget to rest!
January 9th (September) - CREATIVITY
Today we tap into our sacral and our creativity. Art helps us remember who we are and connects us to our higher self. It exercises our brain muscles and ultimately contributes to our mental health. Creating art is within each of us. Art is everywhere, and it can be anything your creative brain resonates with. Creativity has no bounds. You can make a cake. Write in your journal. Draw, pain, sing, dance. Whatever moves you, that’s what you should do!
January 10th (October) - WISDOM
Dedicate today to honouring your inner wisdom and intuition. Read inspirational books, connect to your higher self. “Our bodies have five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing. But not to be overlooked are the senses of our soul: intuition, peace, foresight, trust, empathy. The differences between people lie in their use of these senses; most people don’t know anything about the inner senses while a few people rely on them just as they rely on their physical senses, and in fact probably even more.” -C. JoyBell
January 11th (November) - ABUNDANCE
Jan 11 is all about attracting abundance to all areas of your life. Repeat this affirmation throughout the day, most importantly with your meditation. “Money comes to be easily and effortlessly. Wealth and abundance constantly flow into all areas of my life. My actions create constant prosperity. I am aligned with the energy of abundance. I surround myself with people who contribute to my daily success and wealth. Thank you, and so it is.”
January 12th (December) - GRATITUDE
Dedicate today to practicing gratitude. Thank the Universe for all of your blessings, including giving thanks to your body, mind and soul. Count the blessings in your life and focus your meditation on that. Send gratitude to the lessons and the challenges you’ve faced. Send notes of appreciation to your family & friends. Repeat some of these affirmations or create some of your own: “I am thankful for everything and everyone in my life. I am thankful for every situation in my life. I am grateful for the food I eat, the air I breathe, the ground I walk on. I am thankful for my body for allowing me to live and healthy and happy life. I am grateful to the Universe for the endless support and guidance. Thank you, and so it is.”
I wish everyone a beautiful year ahead. May it be filled with blessings and you may have the strength and courage to always go after your dreams. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
P.s. If you haven’t already, join my brand new FB group Spirituality Demystified!
Love & light,
Hey I’m Boki!
I’m a Self Mastery Expert, Soul Advisor, Registered Reiki Master Teacher, Human Design and Quantum Alignment Specialist.
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